

This blog is mostly about things I'm learning/obsessing about. These days it is simplicity, minimalism, waste-free living, small houses, gardening, and eating/preparing food that is actually food. I am a work-in-progress. I am a wife and a mom. I am a follower of Jesus and a student of Scripture. I most recently discovered that I am a type six on the enneagram by reading all the ways that a six can mis-identify with other numbers. I am a night owl. I have a BS in Electronic Media Communication and a MA in Religion - Christian History and Theology. INTJ. Learner, Visionary, Input, Intellect, Responsibility. Quality Time and Words of Encouragement are my love languages. I recently took a hand-lettering course and it sparked a need for daily creativity. I have also recently discovered that I find drawing coloring pages is more soothing than coloring them. I am in the middle of an experiment where I am washing my hair using water only. Um, what else do you want to know about me? My name is Laura.

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