
Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7, 2014

Psalm 143, 1 Kings 17:17-24, Acts 20:7-12

Lately I've been so thirsty. I take a drink of water, and my thirst is temporarily quenched. Sooner or later (sooner), my throat is dry again, and it persists until I take another drink of water. Thirst is not something I am able to ignore. How does thinking of thirst this way help you to think about the Psalmist saying to the Lord, "I thirst for you as parched land thirsts for rain." How can this Psalm be a helpful prayer when facing the uncertainties of life?

The other two passages talk about the miracle of bringing someone who was dead back to life. How does this help us to think about the upcoming Easter?

Pray from Psalm 143:
Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God.
May your gracious Spirit lead me forward
on a firm footing.

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